- Insurance Europe’s 14th annual conference takes place in Finland.
- The international conference will be held at the Opera House in central Helsinki on 30 May 2024.
- Registration to the conference is now open.
Organised by Insurance Europe in partnership with Finance Finland, the in-person conference will gather a diverse audience, including hundreds of insurance leaders and regulators from across the globe. Experts and high-level keynote speakers will address some of the most important issues facing the insurance industry today, such as climate change, the consumer journey and regulation.
The top-level roster of international keynote speakers and panellists includes:
- Petra Hielkama, Chairperson of EIOPA
- Paulina Dejmek Hack, Director for general affairs, DG FISMA, European Commission
- Stefan Gehring, Chief legal and compliance officer, Munich Re, Germany
- Susan Neely, President, Global Federation of Insurance Associations (GFIA) and President & CEO, American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI)
- Christina Lindenius, Managing director, Insurance Sweden
- Teija Korpiaho, Chief advisor, life and non-life insurance at Financial Supervisory Authority, FIN-FSA Finland, and member of the board of EIOPA
- Juha Koponen, CEO, LocalTapiola
- Timo Ritakallio, CEO, OP Financial Group
- Fatim Diarra, Member of the parliament (Greens) in Finland
The conference programme will be updated at Insurance Europe’s website.
The conference is primarily aimed for insurance sector professionals. It is also open for supervisors and officials, researchers, the media and the public. About 450 visitors are estimated to attend. For Finance Finland’s members, the registration fee is €450 + VAT of 24%. Registration is free of charge for regulators, supervisors, government officials and academics.
The conference programme is planned by Insurance Europe, with Finance Finland assisting in the practical arrangements. Finance Finland applied for the right to host the conference in spring 2022.
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