Telework management in the financial sector

Changes in customer behaviour and the sector itself call for new kinds of work culture and management. Telework, one of the more flexible models, is expected to further increase in the financial services sector. Trust, communication and interaction are the most critical building blocks of successful telework.

​In her Bachelor’s Thesis at Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics, Martta Asikainen examined the requirements telework posits for management and leadership in the financial sector. Data for the study was collected from thematic interviews and e-mail surveys with managers and HR development oriented supervisors.

Customer orientation and strict information security requirements were the elements that most restrict telework in the financial sector. However, respondents also emphasised the potential of telework to provide customer services that were more flexible in terms of time and location. Effective telework requires functional technology, information security, and successful management and leadership.

Based on mutual trust

Trust was regarded as the foundation of telework. Communication and interaction were crucial elements for trust. Face-to-face interactions between manager and teleworker were considered important to well-being, motivation and performance.

The findings of the study reflect the new work culture of the financial sector, which is based on flexibility and shared, empowering, people-oriented management. Employees are regarded as the main resource of profitability, and their know-how is highly valued. The study is part of the Healthy Financial Sector 2020 project.

Read the Bachelor’s Thesis abstract

Read more about the Healthy Financial Sector project

The most significant dimensions of telework management

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