Commission lays out anti-money laundering action plan for the next year Published11 May 2020 FINANCE FINLAND
PISA report: Finnish students place second – Financial literacy cooperation must continue Published8 May 2020 FINANCE FINLAND
Ritakallio: Return to normal should begin with gradually lifted restrictions Published30 Apr 2020 FINANCE FINLAND
Loan grace periods in high demand – robots speed up application processing Published21 Apr 2020 FINANCE FINLAND
Finnish ESG initiative wins international competition for climate change mitigation ideas Published14 Apr 2020 FINANCE FINLAND
Finnish banks offer extra grace periods – opportunity already taken by 63,000 households and 12,000 companies Published9 Apr 2020 FINANCE FINLAND
Virtual and central bank digital currencies discussed in FFI’s online seminar Published8 Apr 2020 FINANCE FINLAND
Coronavirus shutdowns only rarely covered by business interruption insurance Published31 Mar 2020 FINANCE FINLAND