Katja Repo joins FFI as new Director of Competence Development and Digitalisation


Katja Repo will start at FFI as the new director in charge of working life development, digitalisation, financial skills and competence on 20 January 2020. Repo comes from Aalto University Executive Education Ltd, where she worked as the business director of FINVA Financial Education. She also has background in directing service digitalisation and an Executive MBA in insurance and financial services.

FFI’s projects on working life development and competence foresight were previously led by Tarja Kallonen, who will retire in early 2020. “Tarja’s diverse skills and creative mind helped us glean a vision of future working life in the financial sector in new ways”, praises Tuomo Yli-Huttula, director of communications and public relations at FFI.

“Tarja was the primus motor of the Healthy Financial Sector project, which enabled ground-breaking cooperation between employee and employer associations. The project gave us better understanding on how work in the financial sector is changing and which types of skills will be in highest demand in the future”, Yli-Huttula adds.

Repo is excited about her new job. “I’ve seen lots of positive drive at FFI and that they truly make things happen. Together with the member companies we’ll continue to make the sector even more esteemed. Digitalisation is especially fascinating, as it brings many changes and we get the opportunity to be involved in them with our work. It’s essentially what we have been doing in the education sector as well – seeing where the world is heading and bringing that knowledge to the customers”, Repo says.

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