On 17 March 2021, 8.30–10 a.m. CET, Finance Finland is organising a panel discussion on topical issues regarding the completion of the Banking Union.
The Euro Summit in December 2020 invited the Eurogroup to prepare, on a consensual basis, a work plan on all outstanding elements needed to complete the Banking Union. At the same time, the European Commission is preparing the revision of the bank crisis management and deposit insurance framework. In the webinar discussion, we will concentrate particularly on the plans of further risk reduction in the European banking sector and on the possible establishment of the European deposit insurance scheme.
It seems evident to most that the Banking Union is not yet complete, but there are many different opinions on the right way forward. This webinar provides an opportunity for representatives to discuss this important topic from the viewpoints of the European Commission, the European Parliament and an EU Member State.
John Berrigan, Director-General, DG FISMA, European Commission
Eero Heinäluoma, MEP (S&D, ECON), European Parliament
Leena Mörttinen, Permanent Under-Secretary for International and Financial Markets Affairs, Finnish Ministry of Finance
Piia-Noora Kauppi, Managing Director, Finance Finland
Veli-Matti Mattila, Director, Chief Economist, Finance Finland