Voice of the Finnish financial sector
Deeper look
Finance Finland (FFI) is the common voice of the Finnish financial sector and represents the interests of its members. We are the modern financial sector’s most skilled, most efficient representative nationally and internationally.
We represent banks, life and non-life insurers, employee pension companies, finance houses, fund management companies and securities dealers operating in Finland. Our members also include providers of statutory insurance lines, which account for much of Finnish social security.
Being the representative of the entire financial sector makes us unique in Europe, where the different types of financial companies typically organise themselves with their own interest groups.
Our core mission is to influence the regulation and decision-making that affects the financial sector. We build an operating environment where our members can increase Finnish and European wellbeing through their business. We also represent the interests of the financial sector in many issues that have more national relevance.
We raise decision-makers’ awareness of the impact that regulation has on the financial sector and ultimately on the whole society. We bring expertise to legislative processes and take part in societal discussion whenever it concerns the financial sector. We also represent financial employers in the labour market.
Finance Finland’s office employs 60 financial sector experts. They are organised in five groups: Infrastructure and Security, Legislation, Financial and Prudential Regulation, Public Affairs, and the administrative unit that includes Finance and HR management and Assistant Services.

FFI’s core function as a provider of high-quality lobbying is founded upon an extensive position-taking network.
Representatives from FFI members comprise operating bodies, whose central function is to formulate FFI’s position on any pending lobbying issues. The operating bodies are also a good source of information on the members’ views on societal matters such as legislation and the policies of relevant authorities. Influencing these requires active participation from FFI.
Six sector-specific Executive Committees operate under the direction of the Board. The Executive Committees have their own spheres of authority on all matters that do not influence the operations of other sector-specific Executive Committees or FFI as a whole.
The FFI Board has appointed the following Executive Committees and their chairs:
Securities Dealing ExCom, Janne Saarikivi, Nordea
Life Insurance ExCom, Pekka Luukkanen, Nordea
Banking ExCom, Harri Nummela, OP Financial Group
Fund and Asset Management ExCom, Ari Kaaro, Seligson
Employee Pension ExCom, Carl Pettersson, Elo
Non-life Insurance ExCom, Mika Makkonen, LocalTapiola
The Board also appoints Committees and Subcommittees on horizontal matters (e.g. labour market and taxation).
We are actively involved in European lobbying through the umbrella organisations European Banking Federation (EBF), Insurance Europe, and European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA). We are also an active member in the Nordic Securities Association.