Financial Academy

Financial Academy brings together
financial organisations and
educational institutions

The Financial Academy is a network that unites financial organisations and educational institutions. The network’s aim is to share information and know-how between network members and to increase collaboration between financial organisations and educational institutions to better account for changing needs in the sector.

Through their own training and collaboration programmes, Finance Finland’s (FFI) member organisations and educational institutions can also promote human resource development and expertise in the field. The Financial Academy encompasses all educational levels from vocational schools to universities and also includes independent institutes that offer continuing training.

The educational objectives in the field of finance are the following:

  • Education should be practically-oriented and respond flexibly to the financial industry’s rapidly changing needs.
  • Training should move from long, degree-oriented programmes towards shorter, more flexible programmes that target key competencies.
  • More finance training should be included on all educational levels. This training should include general business skills, customer service and the management of personal finances.

To reach these objectives, the Financial Academy has established three working groups:

  • Representing sector interests in education
  • Learning materials
  • Training paths and employer image

All working groups welcome representatives from both FFI member organisations and educational institutions.

The Financial Academy is governed by FFI’s Financial Work and Competence Committee, which is in charge of position-taking work regarding the sector’s skill requirements and working life development.

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Public Affairs

Katja Repo

Director, Competence Development and Digitalisation